Citybus - Leyland Atlantean

Many Atlanteans wore all-over advertisements while in service. A634 (FS 7018)
was an example, which once had a government advertisement. (1998/03/04)

A few Atlanteans were not converted with an 'R'-type' front and
became training buses. 628 (FP 5304) was one of them and is
seen being used in a training examination. (1997/03/05)

660 (FR 1466) is another training bus that had not been converted. (1998/03/04)

699 (FX1940) is a unique Atlantean, which had an original
Alexander 'R-type' body. The bus was also a training bus, and
had never been allocated to passenger services. (1997/09/17)

Another photograph of 699, when the bus was on Aberdeen Praya Road. (1998/07/23)

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